Notícias Notícias


Seminário promovido pela Pós-Graduação em Estatística acontecerá próximo dia 12

Palestra acontecerá às 15h, no Auditório Ruy Luis Gomes, localizado no 2° andar do DE

Na próxima quarta-feira (12), acontecerá o seminário do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estatística da UFPE abordando o tema “Generalized Additive Partial Linear Models for Analyzing Correlated Data”. O seminário, que será ministrado pelo professor Roberto Ferreira Manghi, do Departamento de Estatística (DE) da Universidade, acontecerá às 15h, no Auditório Ruy Luis Gomes, localizado no 2° andar do DE.


Statistical procedures are proposed in generalized additive partial linear models (GAPLM) for analyzing correlated data. A reweighed iterative process based on the backfitting algorithm is derived for the parameter estimation from a penalized GEE. Discussions on the inferential aspects of GAPLM, particularly on the asymptotic properties of the former estimators as well as on the effective degrees of freedom derivation, are given. Diagnostic methods, such as leverage measures, residual analysis and local influence graphs, under different perturbation schemes, are proposed. A small simulation study is performed to assess the empirical distribution of the parametric and nonparametric estimators as well as of some proposed residuals. Finally, a motivating data set is analyzed by the methodology developed through this research.

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Data da última modificação: 10/09/2018, 14:33