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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estatística realiza seminário nesta quarta-feira (21)

O evento começa às 15h no Departamento de Estatística

Nesta quarta-feira (21), a partir das 15 horas, o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estatística realiza o seminário “Topological phase transitions in functional brain networks”. O evento será no Auditório Ruy Luis Gomes, localizado no 2º andar do Departamento de Estatística (CCEN).

O seminário será ministrado por Fernando Antônio Nóbrega Santos, professor do Departamento de Matemática da UFPE. Com experiência na área de Física, ele atua principalmente nos seguintes temas: Topology, Phase Transitions, Euler characteristic, Spin Models e BigData.


Functional brain networks are often constructed by quantifying correlations among brain regions. Their topological structure includes nodes, edges, triangles and even higher-dimensional objects. Topological data analysis (TDA) is the emerging framework to process datasets under this perspective. Here we report the discovery of topological phase transitions in functional brain networks by merging concepts from TDA, topology, geometry, physics, and network theory. We show that topological phase transitions occur when the Euler entropy has a singularity, which remarkably coincides with the emergence of multidimensional topological holes in the brain network. Our results suggest that a major alteration in the pattern of brain correlations can modify the signature of such transitions, and may point to suboptimal brain functioning. Due to the universal character of phase transitions and noise robustness of TDA, our findings open perspectives towards establishing reliable topological and geometrical biomarkers of individual and group differences in functional brain network organization.

Mais informações
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estatística
(81) 2126.8422

Date of last modification: 19/11/2018, 14:34