Departamento de Física

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25/08/2023 Colóquio (Presencial) Concentration Phenomena in the Geometry of Bell Correlations - Dr. Cristhiano Duarte Silva (Research Fellow, School of Physics and Astronomy - University of Leeds, International Institute of Physics)

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Esta é para convidá-los para o colóquio (presencial) do Dr. Cristhiano Duarte Silva a ser apresentado no dia 25/Agosto/2023. Será servido um pequeno lanche às 15:30h.



Concentration Phenomena in the Geometry of Bell Correlations. 


Dr. Cristhiano Duarte Silva, Research Fellow, School of Physics and Astronomy - University of Leeds, International Institute of Physics



We are told that maximally entangled states violate maximally a paradigmatic class of Bell inequalities—displaying the maximal non-classicality allowed in quantum theory. Likewise, we also learn that for multipartite quantum systems, virtually all quantum states are maximally entangled. Combining the two facts, our intuition would guide us to say that in the many-parts regime, the likelihood of finding a multipartite state violating a Bell inequality maximally is exceptionally high. Nonetheless, we have shown that the situation is far more complicated and counterintuitive than our intuition leads us to believe. This presentation summarises two different approaches to the problem: one in which we start from the so-called correlation polytopes and investigate their geometry; and a second where the starting point is the state space. In either case, it is clear, we argue, that we get baffled by the results—and their possible physical implications—because high-dimensional statistics and geometry are counterintuitive in themselves. This presentation is organised so that non-specialists and specialists alike will leave the room having learned something new.   


LocalAuditório do Departamento de Física - UFPE

Horário: 16:00h

Data: 25 / Agosto / 2023

Data da última modificação: 24/08/2023, 14:52

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